Monday, January 17, 2022


My baby. The last one. The child that will probably be first at nothing among her siblings, lol. So, she will be the first this time. What can I say about Katie....She is a little bit spoiled (being the youngest of 5). She is a whole lot sassy and fiesty. VERY standoffish to people she doesn't know and a lot of times to people she does know. At 17 months old, she has already started to potty-train. I am amazed at this child, I have never had a child want to go potty on the potty this early. Will it continue........I do not know. I bought her a small kitchen set at a garage sale on Friday and she absolutely loves it. She also loves purse, and baby dolls. She is alot like Abigail was at this age. They do not look alike, but have similar personalities. This does not bode well for us.
I was so excited on Sunday because her hair is long enough to put in a pony-tail. It was sooooo cute. But, did not stay up once it began to dry :(

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