Sunday, December 14, 2008


I no sooner wrote my last post and our weather took a turn, it is now snowing and blowing and about 8 degrees. YIKES!! Anyway, seems much more normal for this time of year. The kids were so excited to see the snow, and honestly so was I. I really want a white Christmas. It has been so hard to get in the Christmas spirit this year. Maybe this will help :) I will post some pictures of it soon.....


MyKidsMom said...

We have snow here as well, though it would just be my luck that it would melt by Christmas... think positive right?:) Have a great week!

bigSIS said...

I am 100% positive we will have a white Christmas. I almost wonder if we'll have our usual early January thaw. Hmm????

Put a snow ball in the may all BLOW away in a day or two. :P