I was brave/crazy enough to put Kate's hair in a ponytail again. She does not want me messing with her hair and does not sit/stand still for me. But I prevailed!! Got some cute pictures too. She looks so different with a ponytail. I really like it and wish she would cooperate so I could do it more often. Her bangs are starting to hang in her face, and normally I use a barrette to hold them back. She is growing like crazy and really starting to talk. Remington (Abigails kitten) LOVES her when she is asleep, but not so much when she is awake. He'll get up and want to lay with his nose in her hair, but it'll wake her up and then he'll run for his life, lol.
Our school year is in full swing and is going well. The weather has been chilly, more like fall. I think it was from Gustav. We had a bunch of rain and a cold front came through. The boys have been loving it. Every fall they play football like crazy. Fall is the favorite season for most of my family. I LOVE it!!! Finally we have routine and order again. Ahhhhhh
We are starting a home school co-op. We have so many in our church that home school now that the church school closed. We will have our first meeting shortly. Right now we are having a hard time finding a date that works. Everyone is so busy and the fellowship hall at the church is being used on several of our dates.
1 comment:
I have to say, I envy you the fellow homeschoolers. Our church is just the opposite; all the kids go to the Christian school, and I am pretty much the only homeschooler who has stuck with it (a few have tried and quit). The tuition is $260. a child; which means even with discounts I would have to pay around $700.a month. More than I can afford right now. I don't say this complaining, just more that it feels a little lonely sometimes. I don't talk about it on my blog much (or this side of it) because I have a few local people that drop in, and I try to keep that part private. I really wish there was more support in this area at our church, but some things are just that way I quess. I do have a friend that homeschools one of her children that has sensory issues (Mrs.Darling) and she has been a great help. I'm happy to hear about your co-op plans. It's definitely a great way for the kids to get some time with other kids.
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